UPS Prolink Pro 1501SFCU 1500VA


Merek: Prolink

Kode Produk: 1223109517595

Ketersediaan: 10

Penjual: HITECH

Harga: Rp.1.777.000

WA : 082138917598
* Mohon menanyakan stok terlebih dahulu
* Stok dan Harga bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu

Capacity 1500VA
Input Voltage Range 140 ~ 300V 5%
Frequency 50Hz/60Hz (Auto-sensing)
Phase Single + GND
Output Voltage Range 230VAC +12% -14%
Battery Mode 230VAC +10% -10%
Frequency 50Hz 1% (Battery Mode)
Waveform - Simulated Sine Wave (Battery Mode)
- Sine Wave (AC Mode)
Transfer Time 2ms typical
Battery Type 12V/9AH - 2pcs
Backup Time Up to 40 mins depending on load
Recharge Time 2 - 4 hours recover to 90% capacity
Protection /
Monitoring Short Circuit Protection Yes (Line Mode and Battery Mode)
Surge Protection Yes
Overload Protection - Line mode : 110 - 120% 5 mins change to fault mode>120% shutdown immediately
- Battery mode : 100 - 110% alarm & shutdown in 10 secs >120% shutdown immediately
Physical Dimension (mm) D x W H
320 x 130 x 182 mm (product only)
390 x 192 x 275mm (with box)

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Membeli berarti menyetujui ketentuan Toko.
Terima kasih.

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